Thursday, April 28, 2011

Angelika's Yarn Store

Everytime I come across exceptional service I feel that it should be announced to the world... Or ok to be more resonable my readers. A lot of you that end up on my site are knitters and crocheters so you may be able to appreciate this. The other day I was searching online for a couple of things well my search landed me at a Yarn Store in Oregon named Angelika's Yarn Store. I placed my order my order arrived way faster than I expected it I did have to contact her to make a few questions but what I didn't expect was the customer service that I recieved. Ok well let me give you a little background on me and my experience. Where I live we do have a LYS which will remain nameless I defineately wouldn't want to send any business their way. It is in an uppity part of town which is understandable considering the small town I live in. So it being a small business and above all a yarn store I went in. I guess I wasn't dress the part because everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at me (there were a group of ladies obviously regulars sitting at a table for social knitting hour) well determined to look at their stock I walked right past the table and started looking around then the owner asked if she could help. So I thought well ok at least the owners were nice. I mentioned what I was looking for and her response was that it was expensive! SERIOUSLY! I also asked if they had pattern books (can never walk out of yarn store without a pattern book) well I was looking for a crochet book it was like I said a dirty word. I hated spending one red cent in that place but I really needed the yarn so I only bought what I needed for the project and have never gone back... Ok so back to Angelika's she was beyond helpful and uber friendly and sooo accomodating that I will continue to order from her shop. Outside of yarn she also carries knitting machines and stands (totally on my must have list) software, wool wash you name it she has it.... ok ok maybe that was an exaggeration but if you have knitting or crocheting needs be sure to check her shop out and if you are in her local area I'm sure she's just as friendly in person. Just follow this link Angelika's Yarn Store.

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